Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...

to all of my favorite Mommies...& a very special Happy Mother's Day to my big 6 beautiful months I'll have either a niece or a nephew who is lucky enough to have her & Kurt as parents! I am so very excited for you's the most incredible thing you'll ever do!!!

CONGRATULATIONS...we love you so much & can't wait to meet Debunk!!!


MrsD said...

Woohoo....the cat is out of the BAG!!! Thank goodness. I'm a horrible secret keeper. we're excited to have the baby DeBunk meet the cousins. A baby for Kate-Kate to pap. She'll be so excited.

Arnesta13 said...

you think you're bad with a secret??? LOL i was dying to share!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a lovely mother's day...& hooray for Heath & Kurt!!! I love more babies!!!