Wednesday, January 30, 2008

thin mints & a manicure

thank goodness it's Wednesday!! This week is going by fairly quickly...of course now that I've said that it's going to poke along...LOL!

Last nite me & M went for our manis...she got a pedi & waxed too...we're gonna be lovely for date nite! I can hardly wait!!

She brought me my Girl Scout cookies...GOD BLESS BELLA...I'm having Thin Mints for breakfast as I write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's better than that??? Not much is RIGHT!

I know I'm insane...but the thought of a NKOTB reunion tour has me completely fired up!! Heatho thinks it's nuts...but I wanna take Katie Kate...I LOVED those boys BEYOND words!! I figure, it won't be happening for at least a year, she'll be 4 by then...plenty old enough to see a concert! LOL! We'll see what Barry has to say about that!

Check it out...i'm not's coming!!!

Why can't you eat just one Thin Mint?? I'm almost done an ENTIRE sleeve...& I can't stop...I'm a Thin Mint addict!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a damn meeting!!!

Here's hoping you all have a beautiful Wednesday...CHEERS!

Monday, January 28, 2008


it was one of those weeks last on Thursday, we decided we needed some #9's, some pool & some pizza...

Pop knew it was a rough one when he came home to me & Norton in the basement playing pool & enjoying a few #9's. Brandon & Katie loved it...even though Norton thinks it's ok to heckle a 7 year old about his pool playing abilities, they think he's pretty cool!

Dawn, Kevin, Josh, Savanna, Tia, Drew & Margie quickly arrived & joined us for a nice relaxing Thursday, the perfect way to unwind & do our Friday dance a little early...even though Friday was inventory day!!!

The kids had a blast & Kevin...the biggest kid was a great playmate for them all...he had just returned from a convention in VEGAS...tough gig if you can get it! They played pool, a game of catch & he let them tackle him! The boys loved it. Katie & Savanna played girl stuff all nite & it was so sweet to watch. Katie wasn't her usual bossy one point, she was even snuggling Josh on the sofa...UH OH!

I so needed a stress free nite with my girls, no drama, no nonsense...just some laughs, some drinks & some good times...& somehow, the yearbook made it's way out of the closet again!!!!!!!! So scary to see those am I still friends with you all...I needed some serious waxing back in 1993!!!

We can't wait to do it again real soon...although, Barry would like to feel like he's not the party pooper next time...everyone left like the party was just busted by the cops when he got home Thursday was pretty funny!

So, it was a great time & I was in bed early enough to be at work by 5:30 on Friday...good times!!!

Thank you Margie, Tia & Dawn...I needed that...I'm glad I've got such great neighbors...a good time is never more than a few minutes away!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

i was just hit by a car...

yep...that's what I said...I thought Margie was going to have a heart attack!!!

I'll back up for you...Margie calls me every day on her way home from work, somewhere around 5:03...we talk until she gets in the door, we have some weird rituals.

Yesterday we're happily chatting about the hysterical emails we were sending with Tia in the afternoon & all of a car jolts forward & there's an enormous noise...Margie says "WHAT WAS THAT" & I say..."I was just hit by a car...I mean, I was rear ended by a Mini Cooper" & I rattle off the license plate # because I clearly can't just pull onto Kings Highway & pull over & I'm not sure this chick is going to stop. I was at a STOP sign, wasn't moving...just sitting there...waiting to go & WHAM...HIT BY A MINI COOPER!!!

So I make my turn & she follows me, I get off the phone & get out of my car & by that point, this sweet little 20 something in an outfit that happens to match her cute little car is running towards me screaming- ARE YOU OK??? I, of course, was & so was she...she hugs me...notices my car seats & says...YOU HAVE CAR SEATS & is almost in tears...I tell her "It's fine, they're clearly empty & I wouldn't be this calm if they weren't."

She goes to the rear of my Mom car to check for damage & there isn't any...Fords don't bend...she's all upset & worried & I tell her, "It's fine, it's a Ford Taurus, not a Mercedes & everything is REALLY OK."

She sees me still smoking my cigarette...& says..."I was lighting my cigarette- that's how I hit you, I was lighting my cigarette...but I threw it out the window because I thought you'd think I was a complete idiot!" I say..."We're both complete idiots for smoking...but, I get distracted in the car too & we're both ok!"...She hugs me again & asks if I want her info. I say "No, seriously, just please be careful!!"

She thanks me for being so sweet & hugs me some more... but I'm really not, it was just an accident...a tiny one...but a big enough one to make me realize that there are close calls in life & that I should do a much better job at living!!

So, I called Margie back told her I'm fine & Wilma (my car) is fine...& she insists on seeing for herself (lucky me)! So we get together a dinner order, she picks it up & we had a perfect dinner. Me, Barry & the kids & Margie...& I was really grateful that I was there, being loved & eating take out...what's better than American Idol, FAMILY & FREE DINNER!!! She's a phenomenal sister...& I'd be lost without would my other sisters!!!

Tonight's meal...& some #9 (for Tia...& me, LOL) is on me...can't wait to see you girls!! I love an early Friday celebration! The kids can't wait to see the Crowdings & Drew...& I can't wait to relax in front of the fire with the girls & a few drinks! It's been a long week!!!!

Happy Thursday!!

INVENTORY tomorrow...I'm NOT excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

with all of the Heath hype...i have a sweet one...

I tried to get a close-up so you could see the beautiful face of our angel...she goes on the top of our Christmas tree every year & I absolutely love her! She is a brunette...something I searched for for about 2 years. Not all angels are blond was my theory...but, that's another story!

Well, as you know I just got Christmas down this weekend & in packing up all of my beautiful & beloved ornaments, my sweet Katie was gorgeous!!!

The Angel was sitting on my coffee table...over walks this sweet little girl who I've told a million times, "Please just sit down & look at them, you don't need to touch them." She walks up & stares at her for a moment & out goes her little hand...yes, I'm watching out of fear that something will be broken...the idiot that I am. My love strokes her fluffy wings & rests her hand on her perfect dress & says, "Mommy, it's Ganmom...Oh My God, look at her, it's Ganmom!" It was the sweetest thing ever...she asked if she could please hold her & of course, with the tears welling up inside me, I said yes. & you know what, Kate was right...she does resemble Barry's mother...who just so happens to be a real life angel!

I called over there to tell Mom how sweet it was...she was napping but Pop thought it was was a really sweet moment!

Then it came time to put her back in her plastic Macy's bag & put her in the box until next year...Kate was very concerned with how she'd breathe...kept telling me I told her never to put bags over her head because she would "suffercate" & die, why was it ok to do it to "Ganmom the Angel". I love this little sweetie...Brandon kept laughing at her, Barry thought it was one of the cutest things ever...I've been waiting to share it with you...until I could provide the pics. Finally got around to it...babies are simply the best!!!

I'm looking forward to a fun girls nite in tomorrow...Moosh & Dawn are stopping in for some Thursday nite action (maybe Tia & Drew too...) & Bran & Kate can't wait to see Josh & too!!! I'll have to see if I can rustle up some #9... Happy Wednesday my loves!!!

GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!

better late then never...

Finally some pics from our visit from Dawnie...doesn't she look incredible STILL!!!!! She's clearly doing something right, she hasn't aged a DAY since 1993!! I love you, girlie!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Super Bowl!!!

Margie has rug burn on both of her knees this morning & I've got 2 bloody & bruised, we weren't brawling! She was praying & I was jumping up & down in victory over the Packers loss to my beloved Giants (and blasted my closed fist against the beam in the ceiling...I've got some cheerleader left in me...LOL!)! My entire day yesterday was perfect & I'm still in shock!!! I'm also completely stuffed still...I do love the massive amounts of food Margie & I whip up for a football game...what's better than a buffet of your favorite things??? I'll have her turned into a gourmet goddess before she knows what's hit her!

Yesterday goes right up there with the Florence victory my Junior year of high school! One of those incredible days when I am part of a greater victory...when I can watch someone else's greatness & feel like I'm a small part of it! Chuckie Kirby saved the day on that cold rainy day in South Jersey...he was a hero for a little while because of it...if my Dad sees him, he's still a hero for it! Yesterday, Lawrence Tynes was the hero for the Giants & I still get goosebumps when I think of the excitement that was racing through my entire body in those last moments. Manning was incredible & our boys fought the good fight!

Barry was holding my hand & laughing at me as I freaked out...I was trying not to watch that last field goal attempt...him & Margie insisted I watch because I would have been so sad if I had missed it & they both know me so well- THANK GOD, I can't believe I almost didn't watch...Moosh was crawling around, Meggie was panicking & pacing (the little Packers fan wasn't loving me so much last nite!) & finally, the kick was good. I love a game that goes into OT.

It was a great weekend & a great football day...I think probably the very best this season! I love partying with my faves...& can't wait for Super Bowl Sunday...we're gonna have to put the big table downstairs for all of our food!!!! Wings & meatballs & hoagies...OH MY!!! I have to get more No. 9 before of my new loves! Good call on that one...I should never doubt your knowledge!!! :)

Other than that...our Saturday date with Aunt Margie at the Colonial was the same as always- pannycakes & eggs & a bagel delux...until we did our sprint to the car- it's a race we do, she holds Katie & I hold Brandon's hand & we run. Kate didn't want to be held this Saturday so she held Aunt Margie's hand. I think we'll go back to our normal race next weekend. Kate wiped out & has matching Band Aids on her knees...which she loves!!!

Christmas is finally down at my house...better late than never, LOL! I can't do it before 1/8 it's just a personal law of mine, nothing comes down before Elvis's birthday...& then I ran out of time...but it's finally done & broke my heart! I am so sad when it's all over, it's one of my favorite times of the year. The excitement in the kids is a miracle to watch & I know it! My days are limited in the whole "believing" I appreciate it while I have it! Now I just have to get the last 2 Christmas presents to their recipients, wasn't in the cards this weekend, I guess!

That was our weekend, my loves...Happy Monday & GO GIANTS!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i promised...

the Student of the Week I'd post his pictures with Memily (his teacher's stuffed giraffe)...he took great care of her! As you can see by the ZILLIONS of stuffed animals in his bed, he takes great care of them all!!! LOL! The picture of him peeking out from the middle of them reminds me of one me, Red & Moosh...(& I think Vicki) took on our Senior Trip with E.T. (almost 15 years ago...THE HORROR that filled me with that thought...LOL!)

& before my mother says anything...I'm aware he needs a haircut, he's trying to grow out the unevenness the last hairdresser managed to give him last time we paid her a visit...he's gorgeous no matter what!! :) If only I felt that way when I left the "hair salon" (for lack of the appropriate term) last ...I would have preferred going to Sweeny Todd!! Purple hair just isn't my thing!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in the market for a REAL hair dresser if anyone knows a good one...that won't charge me a mortgage payment to get my grays covered up!

Oh & I'm supposed to see if anyone notices James Bundy's autograph in his room...LOL!!! The important things to this little man...he inspires me to find the excitement in a piece of newspaper written on in Sharpie...if only this little Bundy knew how deeply Brandon adored him...that's pretty inspiring as well. I know James will go far in life & I know Brandon will be watching! I can't wait to see how proud he makes his parents...& my son! :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Blog # 100...

LET ME START WITH...HOW ABOUT MY GIANTS!!! I was as surprised as was a beautiful football weekend for me!

Friday I took a mental health day & enjoyed myself completely. I was feeling so much better...that lead to Saturday...LADIES NITE!!! It started as this sweet little gathering at the Swedes; Vicki, T, Margie & I thought it wise to leave my car at home & venture over to The Hollywood to meet up with Kristen, Algina, Red & Meghan & when they decided to leave...

Margie, Tia & I ended up at Nippers until the lights came up & we were told the bar was closing...for you other old folks like us...that doesn't happen until 3 a.m. I don't remember the last time I saw 3 a.m. but I'm pretty certain it involved a sick child!!

So, there we were...with David Boyd, Kyle Miller, Justin Elmore, lovely little Esther & the rest of the 21-25 year old crowd...really appreciating the fact that Woodbury was so small. Because even though there were MANY years between us...we all knew each other & it was like a little which we were the adults who knew our limits & were thankful for that knowledge...I'm guessing there was a little puking going on in Woodbury on Saturday night...but there wasn't any in the Mickleton/Swedesboro/Davis Street area!

Tomorrow we'll be saying goodbye to Mr. Choyce & hoping they can all find some peace as they lay their father/ father-in-law to rest.

I discovered a new reader this morning which made my day...Deneen, welcome to my insanity! :)

Kel...thanks for the compliments, I hope you're as proud of my children as I am of my sisters!

Lots of love to you all...Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

when it pours...

Well...came in to work this morning to discover that a sweet girl I knew from high school & chatted with regularly on Myspace & Facebook had passed away.

Mia was lovely & smart & a genuinely nice girl. Still fighting her cancer as it ravaged her tiny body & still continuing with her education & deep devotion to God until she took her last breath. This was not a fight she was willing to quit. Hearing the news of her passing at just 29 took my breath away. Mia was a fighter & an inspiration...she believed in herself & making herself a better woman. I am blessed to have known her.

At 10 a.m. my sweet Red called me to tell me that Steve's father had also lost his fight with cancer. Butch always greeted me with a warm smile & with genuine concern, he would ask how Barry, the kids & myself had been since our last meeting. It was at Tyler's birthday party in June that I saw him last, he looked tired & worn...but was there & greeted me with his usual smile.

He was a funny man, he tried awfully hard whenever I saw him to tell me how he'd been, he loved his could see that when he watched them play. And...I saw the admiration he had for Steve & the man he had become when he looked at him. He was so proud of his children...congratulating Jill on her beauty school test...sharing a cigarette on the deck with Twig & laughing with him...Butch was a proud man but a man who loved his children, it was evident. I could feel it when he spoke of them all.

Red was an incredible daughter-in-law to him...taking care of him with her they promised they sickness & in health sometimes means your parents... I learned this by watching her. She was a champion in supporting Steve & she will be rewarded for her love & support! She never paused when something was needed- she just did it.

For all of the mistakes we make as humans...the loss is still so palpable once we leave. I am so relieved that they are at peace & are no longer suffering...I genuinely am...but it is with a heavy heart that I bid them a speedy journey into an eternal life of pure pleasure at the right hand of Our Father. I wish you both nothing but beautiful days ahead in your new Heavenly home. Rest at peace & know that no matter did make a difference.

Peace & love be with you all...enjoy your today...wishing you all MILLIONS of tomorrows!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

...full of pics from my great weekend!!

as you can was an incredible weekend...thank you ladies...for loving me!

3 years ago today...I got the worst news I've ever gotten...I'm thinking of you, my sweet boy & missing you still daily! SJM, I will always love you!! Happy Elvis's birthday yesterday...I hope you partied with him for me! :)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy 57th birthday, Mommy!

Mommy turns 57 today, yesterday we had a lovely dinner at Heatho & Kurt's house & Kelly & AJ brought the Wii...we rocked it like it was our job. A magnificent time was had by all & Mommy got her birthday wish...all her girls & their boys together for a perfect night!

My weekend was began with Brandon being chosen as Student of the Week for this of him & Memily (the stuffed giraffe) will follow...Moosh & I cleaned Friday nite like mad women in anticipation of the INCREDIBLE Saturday we had playing hostess to a few of our favorite girls from WHS...& Deptford.

Amy, Kelsie & Charlotte were in from Florida- which was a great excuse for us to have a small gathering at Club Thompson.

At the Club to welcome them & catch up on all of the gossip were Vicki (Moore), Tia (Harrell) & her son Drew...the little sweetie pie!!! Kara (Klinger) and her little lady Cameron who didn't let Katie be the boss of her...which I adored!!! Margie of course & me & my babies!

Vicki took the kids outside to play like any rocking adult would have...& unlike me...I look for any excuse to avoid the elements! We got to watch Drew practice his passes...I can't wait until they're in high school & Katie is cheering for him on the sidelines...he's gonna be an excellent football player.

Amy's girls got to test their Guitar Hero skills & I think next time they're up, they might just kick Margie's ass!!! Kara & I realized that we're practically neighbors...just a few minutes away from each other so I hope the girls get together again really soon for some girl time.

I'm looking forward to Ladies Night at the Swedes on Saturday because I just adore my time with Tia...who came bearing Christmas gift for me & the kids...that girl is just too together! I don't know how she finds the time...but I'm looking forward to lessons! Also joining us on Saturday will be Red, hopefully DAWN...hopefully Vicki, definitely Algina & another group of my lovely girls...I can hardly wait!!!!!

It was great to see all of these girls who I've known since I was just a girl & Brandon is just continually amazed that the friends you make as a child...can still be great friends as an adult. It's a beautiful lesson he's learning from these women that brighten my day by just telling stories of our lives!

Tonight, when I'm done work, I'm picking up Dawnie & taking her home to my house...she saw Barry & Brandon last (aside from pics) on our wedding day & hasn't had the pleasure yet of meeting my Katelyn...the thought of sharing them with yet another woman who has blessed my life by her mere existence makes me cry...I can't wait...& of course...Moosh will be there too!!

Here is to a perfect night memories of a perfect Saturday (I hope Amy can forward me some pics...I was a loser & didn't take ANY???) To another perfect 57 years for my Mommy, to a beautiful week & a great Ladies Night...thanks for being my girls!!!!!!

Hoping the lovely & talented Dawn Crowding will squeeze in a tiny bit of time on Saturday...Tia & Margie miss you ALMOST as much as I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

the outfit...

i have told my beloved husband TWICE that this outfit doesn't match...AT ALL!!!

I got her a beautiful fleece shirt in hot pink to go with the pants...& a beautiful pair of light pink fleece pants to go with this you can tell by her sweet face at 5:30 p.m. when I get to see her for the first time every day...she still thinks she's gorgeous!

& while I couldn't agree with her MORE...if I come home to this little sweetie in this outfit one more time...I'm taking her father to the hospital to have him tested for mental illness...only a LUNATIC would do this to a child! :)

LOL...just thought I'd share...Barry thought I was nuts for freaking about the outfit then taking her photo in it...I just had to share with all of you! :) She's going to have a serious talk with the man one day about this outfit!!!

a few new pics...