Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Samantha Moyer...

graduates from West Deptford High School tonight...I remember those days...playing with Margie's sweet nice...who called her M at the time. This little sweet faced baby...who would chase Fudge around the yard & parade around the house in her Disney princess dresses. I remember her love of Walker Texas Ranger. I remember the smell of her sweet baby hair & the love that her Mommy had in her eyes when watching this little angel play. I remember with great vividness...the way Margie would argue with this little girl...who owned the hearts of every Moyer in that house on Griscom Drive.

Back then, you just knew that this little smart girl would become a beautiful & brilliant woman...& she has. Samantha, you are a source of enormous pride to your entire family & all of their friends... it's plain to see why. I am so proud of you & your many accomplishments...I can't believe how quickly you changed from this tiny little girl into this incredible woman. You epitomize all of the greatness I associate with the Moyer Family...hold your head high as you move forward into a future I can't wait to watch! I love you!!!


Monday, June 16, 2008


today was the first official day of summer vacation for Brandon...& it couldn't have been sweeter! He had breakfast in bed...ok, it consisted of Pop Tarts and Gatorade...but it was his ideal breakfast!!! He was so happy!

It reminded me of those days...which got me thinking about the past 15 years...I found myself compelled to go to the cemetery on Saturday...when we got there...it had been exactly 14 years to the day that Aurelia Kates had passed away. When I tell you from the time I awoke that I HAD to go there...I mean it...Margie...being a sweetie...wanted to go visit Bruce Connell for Father's Day while we were there- so we did...& we found Gregg while we were there too...it was unreal.

I can't believe in a few short days it will really be 15 years since we said goodbye to those lazy summer days, those care-free nights, the comfortable smells & sounds of Woodbury Jr. Sr. High School, and times when the pressures of life were so minimal. What to wear was a big decision back then...now, I'm stressing over knowing that a boy I've known since I was 9 years old & have loved just as long; as one of my family members...is a world away from me...& will be facing danger every day for a year. This is so heavy on my heart...I'm praying for him & ask you all to do the same. Keep him safe & let him feel the love that is in our hearts...let him know he is in our thoughts and that his safety is more important than anything. I told him as I hugged him that last time (JUST UNTIL HE COMES HOME AGAIN IN A YEAR!!!) to remember Jenny's words & don't be afraid to Run, Forrest, Run!

He truly is a gentle soul...he has this tough guy exterior...but he's this very sweet, lovey boy. He has been an incredible friend to me & my family, forever. He is all fighter, SINCERELY. He was the "little boy" when we were kids...the other boys were always bigger...but there were NONE tougher; this, I find great comfort in. I know if there's a man out there that can fight this war (that I can't even believe is still going on) it can be Jimmy & he will do it with all of his heart & soul & a strength that will amaze you. I am so proud of him, I have been so outspoken against this war...now that there is a dear friend of mine going there...I can't do that; because he is a man I believe in & support completely...I can only hope that it ends quickly & peacefully for those we love and their brothers in combat. I support Jimmy in everything he will ever do. I am blessed to know & love you, James Robert Monaghan...come home safely & quickly...with lots of great heroic tales to tell.

The welcome home party will be something that you've never imagined...I can guarantee you all that! I will be counting down the days until you are back in good old Woodbury- you are my hero, you are my children's hero! I know we can sleep safely with you protecting us...I pray that you have that same sense of protection, my dear sweet friend. Sleep well...knowing you are being prayed for completely & daily. You inspire me. I am proud of you & the incredible man my very first friend from Woodbury has become.

The little boy in the underoos, with the million G. I. Joe men, who seemed to be a ninja for Halloween for our entire youth, who was there when my baby sister came home from the hospital...who would spend summer nights with me, my big sister, your little brother & a flashlight- hollering across the alley until all hours of the night...he's a boy I remember quite fondly...but the man he has become...he's better than Superfly Snooka any day! :) I love you, baby!!! See you real soon!!!!