Friday, November 30, 2007

so busy...

Well, I can't honestly say nothing new since I last wrote...we've just been so busy!!! Brandon was sick over Thanksgiving, WHS lost to Paulsboro, I'm now sick...Grandmom & Pop Pop are in Florida on a beautiful & well deserved vacation (which leaves Barry & I with having to REALLY be Mommy & Daddy...something we're not used to at all!!!) Meggie got her VERY FIRST CAR!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of's adorable & it's I'm Not Really A Waitress cute!

All I can say is THANK GOD for my in-laws...they spoil us rotten...we've been driving ourselves insane with picking Brandon up from the bus & getting Katie from school...things they do which we honestly fail to realize is SUCH AN ENORMOUS HELP!!! Red has been taking care of Brandon after school...another ENORMOUS HELP!!! I just feel completely's a little scary!

We do, however, have our Christmas tree up & it's completely beautiful...if I do say so myself! It's a stinky picture from my stinky phone...but you get the point...I'll be taking more with my camera this weekend! & I have adjusted the positioning of the tree so you don't see that cord of lights leading to the wall...that pic is when I was still playing with the tree...LOL! I can hardly wait for Christmas this year...Brandon & Katie are so's all they talk about & I'm threatening them constantly..."Don't make me call Santa!" The fear that strikes into a child is a glorious thing...although...Kate keeps saying..."Do it, do it!" I don't think she has the same fear that my beautiful Brandon does...LOL! That's the beauty of my ladybug though!!! :) NO FEAR! :)

I fell asleep in the recliner again last nite...Barry tries to no avail to wake me & then I end up sleeping in jeans...& then bitching at him for letting me sleep in jeans...I think it's like the 4th time that's happened since he started making nightly fires in the fireplace...I can't resist the snuggly feeling of that chair & my blanket...the heat of that fire & the smell of burning wood...a fireplace was always something I adored as a child & so I'm addicted now! So...I keep sleeping in the basement...LOL!

November is OVER today...good LORD! This year has been incredible...& it's almost gone! I wonder what 2008 will bring...hopefully only more beautiful things!!! Happy Friday, my loves!!! I've got TONS of Christmas shopping to do this weekend...wish me luck!!!

& Red...THANK YOU for dinner last nite & for helping me this really are the very BEST!!! I'd be lost without you!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

6 words...


Hoping the Herd does as well this Saturday as they did last Saturday! FYI...that's Jimmer & James Bundy (James is the kids FAVORITE player & Jimmer was mine!!!) #5 in the middle is James doing his THING!!! & the last pic is of me, Kate, Bran (he is the brown hat & orange coat) & Kelly at the game this past Saturday...we were on the front page of the Courier Post!! GO HERD!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

been meaning to blog...

just haven't found the time; but I'm taking the time now...Margie is in Florida & leaves for the Bahamas tomorrow- she's having a total blast. Tomorrow starts my Cole duty...Bran & Kate can't wait!

This past of the coolest I've had in a while. Tia & I took the kids to a WHS football game- the HERD crushed Audubon & the kids had a great time. I really love high school football- there's just something amazing about kids just playing because it's something they love. I got goosebumps hearing Mr. Dickson's voice say, "James Bundy on the carry!" & "Touchdown, James Bundy!" it took me back to those days when I was in junior high & he was talking about James' dad, Jimmer.

I guess you had to be there..or you have to love WHS football as much as I do...but I know I was witnessing something great...I was watching this game through Jimmer's eyes...seeing him stand there on the sideline beaming with pride as his son had the same incredible accomplishments on that very same field that he had so many years before with the same man calling the action...IT ROCKED. It was one of those moments that sucks the air out of you as a parent...when you realize the magic that another parent is living. It also made me think about WHS's biggest fan, Bill Moyer...& how excited I know he was to be seeing it too...he was appreciating it as much as I was...I'M CERTAIN!

So...great afternoon...followed by a REALLY great nite! Dawn picked me up for a nite out with my girls...& it was different girls...I was a little nervous I admit...I just wanted no drama & to see these girls that I knew years ago & I wanted to have fun with them, to love I did over 15 years ago...& you know what???? I DID! We laughed & caught up & talked about our babies & our girlfriends & what makes us the women we've become. And I loved it!!! Dawn was completely charming & relaxed...& we laughed...and had a 2 a.m. Wawa run...followed by a little road trip!! ;) I haven't done that in years!!!

Margie texted pics from Florida that morning so we all got to look at her adventures & hope that she brings us home some WARM WEATHER! Red had a headache & didn't make it. They were both missed & I filled everyone in on them. I hope we all get to do it again real soon...& that Moosh & Red will be there...they missed an incredible evening!

Dawn, Kristen, Tia, Algina, & Mrs. Twig...thanks for a super fun nite! Looking forward to doing it again real soon!!!

Sunday, Barry & I took the kids to Toys 'R Us to spend their gift cards they got for their birthdays...we were there for almost 3 hours...Bran walked in & knew what he wanted...Mommy's princess...she had to look at EVERy toy on EVERY aisle...there might be something better around the corner...THAT'S MY GIRL!!!!!!! I can't wait to start really shopping with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last nite I talked to Moosh again...she's loving life...I'll talk to her again tonite & then not again until chatting at sea! Bon Voyage sweet girl!! OH...& tonite...Dawn is going to learn her way to WHS so she can meet us on Saturday to get her football game on (Josh has soccer until 12:30 & I can't be late for kickoff...I have issues, I'm aware!) ...& I'll show her the Woodbury kids...just smoking & touring Woodbury...just like the good old days...that was before kids though...& I didn't have a license...LOL! A little stalking route anyone...LOL!!!!!!??????????

Friday, November 2, 2007



Thursday, November 1, 2007


The perfect night, perfect weather & the PERFECT costumes! They both were gorgeous & did a GREAT job saying Trick-or-Treat! They thanked everyone & told them Happy Halloween...Barry, Margie & I loved taking them out, just like last year! Being back in the old neighborhood was perfect, ran into the old neighbors & had many, many laughs.

Halloween is always a fun night, they get so excited! They got way too much candy from Donna when we stopped up at Daddy's shop to say hello - she absolutely adores kids. It's really nice to work for someone who has as much enthusiasm for her workers families as she does for the employees themselves. Barry got lucky in going there. They're all genuinely sweet people. It's always a pleasure to spend time with them.

Then we went to Aunt Red's & Uncle Steve's to see Trevy as a puppy & Tyler as Shrek- they were beautiful! We got the added bonus of seeing Aunt Jody & Uncle Al...always a treat!!!

They ended their evening over at Club Gill...where Bran got to play with his good buddy Ethan & Mommy & Daddy got to have a few beers wit h Zach & Dezi & Mr. & Mrs. Gill...the perfect way to end out Halloween!