Thursday, June 28, 2007

thursday...thank goodness!!!

it's been a long week...had an incredible time at the game on Tuesday night & my boys pulled off another great game! I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard, I still giggle thinking about it!

Margie's been able to make some time for myspace while she's been on's about damn time!!

Katie has swim day today at daycare...she was all excited to be taking her kini to school this morning. She & I watched 2 bunnies in the yard for about half an hour this morning...she's so sweet. & I just learned last nite that she's not a wild sleeper like Brandon is...she slept in our bed for the very first time...she was "scared of that blunder!" That was one wicked thunder storm that blew in last nite...she was sleeping before it came & it woke her!! It takes a small army to wake Kate so I knew there was going to be no getting her back to sleep!

She just laid there in my arms & let me snuggle her all nite... I've gotta say...I slept great too! Something to be said for being able to hold one of the most precious things in your life for a full 7 hours! I know it's something I'm going to think back on years from now...& just cry over! She let me love her when she was afraid...she didn't want Daddy, she was calling me!!! Where does the time go...

Hug your babies matter how old they are...they're the very best of you!

*only 3 more days!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

damn kids...

Ok, so my little sweet princess cracked her brother in the head with a snowglobe yesterday afternoon...I don't know what on Earth I'm going to do with these 2! Either one of them (ok, Bran) is torturing the other or one of them (ok, Kate) is beating the other! The girl certainly takes no nonsense...but she can't be doing things like that just because he's picking on her! It's going to be a long summer...LOL!

So, tonight I'm getting a small break & going to the Phillies game w/ Norton, Rob & Pat...I can hardly wait!! I can't believe I'm married to a man who thinks baseball is boring...what can you do?? So...GO PHILS!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007


I went to the doctor, they checked me out...said things appear normal...but did a biopsy anyway...just to be sure! Not exactly the most fun I've had in a while...I wish Barry had been there, it was a little scary...I wasn't expecting that though. So... I went home instead of to work; like I had planned.

I went directly to bed where I spent most of my weekend. My mom was a huge help & came to take care of the kids for me on Saturday...that was so great of her. She & Bran were having a discussion about grandparents...she said something about being his Grandmom & he said...No, my Grandmom is in Washington, DC with Aunt Flo. Out of the mouths of babes...

The kids are great, Barry is incredible...the bar is looking fantastic...the VELVET ELVIS is on the wall!! :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

my goodness...

it's been one of those weeks!!! We had a beautiful weekend...3 amazing parties & we got to hang out over at Club Gill for a bit on Friday nite!!

One of my boys at work, Chris...gets married this I've been hustling around trying to get things ready for his lunch at Toscana today & his wedding shower this afternoon...I'm exhausted! I do love getting to shop while I'm at work though!! Wishing Chris & Rachel the BEST always!!!

Got to meet McKenzie Sandy last nite...what a little sweetie pie! We also met their puppy Holly...Katie's not a fan AT ALL! I've never in my life seen her react like that...she was so afraid & screaming that it made poor Holly pee all over the house...then when I went out to tell the poor puppy she wasn't bad & to reassure Katie that Mommy could go play with the puppy & she would be nice...the poor little thing started peeing all over the deck...I guess she thought I was the one shreiking or something...I felt awful...but it's a sweet little puppy!!!

So looking forward to 6/30...& my girls!!! I LOVE LADIES NITE!!! Then on 7/7 we'll be getting our Cowtown Rodeo on...LOVE IT!!! I think Gary & Tara & kids may be down with that too...let me know if anyone else is interested!!! Our summer calendar is just filling right's going to be so much fun!!

Hope you're all having a great week...sorry it's been so long since I've's been insane!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

school days...

it's Anthony's GRADUATION DAY!!!! I am so proud of my nephew!! I'm not really sure how we ended up here...with ANOTHER nephew old enough to be graduating from High School...but Deptford High should be proud...they've managed to get rid of 2 of Trish's boys with much less trouble than any of their uncles caused at Kingsway! LOL!! Not only is he SUPER handsome & intelligent...but now he's old enough for NO MORE SCHOOL!!! :) Deanna must be so jealous...I am...but for the oposite reason...I loved high school & there were no bills to pay back then in the early 90's!

then...there's Brandon & his last day of Kindergarten tomorrow...UGH! Yesterday, I had a half day & got to go spend my afternoon with him & his friends (& mine) at school for Mrs. Nicely's retirement party from her kids! I love seeing him play with all of his friends when he thinks I'm not watching! Then, we picked up Kate & went to play at the Crowdings house until 7:30 ish...I think Dawn & I had as much fun as the kids...Kate went straight to bed when we got home...I knew she was more feisty than usual...she just loves Savanna (you couldn't tell yesterday, she was torturing the poor sweet one point she wouldn't even let her in her own house!) But her favorite thing was CAESAR...they have a dog...& Katie was amazed!

Then we got a call from Gary letting us know all about Tara & their new princess...Mackenzie came into the world on June 12th at 2:30 p.m. & is a perfect little lady...I can't wait to get my hands on her! He says everything was great & both of his girls are doing very well! Kayla & Jake have a new baby's just amazing, isn't it!!??

so...I'm sitting here reflecting on how quickly the time flies...& how I've managed to watch it happen and not age a single day...ha ha ha ha ha! I kill me sometimes!!! I think kids are the fountain of youth...I can't get enough of them!

So, tomorrow at 1:20 p.m.~ Summer is Officially here...God...feeling that freedom & remembering the goosebumps you got when that last bell rang for the entire year...knowing you could sleep as late as you wanted to that next Bran will know the beauty of summer vacation in just a few hours!

I hope he learns to appreciate not only those lazy summer days...but the fireflies...and the mosquito bites...and the great burgers...and the fireworks that will be here shortly...most importantly the endless hours he gets to be by his best friend's side for the next few months! I hope he puts these days in his mental safe...they are the days he will cherish when he's my age...the days he spent walking hand in hand with his Pop Pop!

...he's been looking forward to that since Christmas vacation...I envy them both for the incredible summer vacation they're about to have TOGETHER!!!

ANTHONY FAVACCHIA...I AM SO PROUD OF YOU & SO LUCKY THAT I GET TO BE YOUR AUNT!! You have made us all so're a beautiful young man & you're hot as hell...just like your Uncle Barry! LOL! (i couldn't end's so not me!!!) Tell Mikey...that new would make a SWEET graduation present to his little brother!!! :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Katie Kate...

may just be a stunt woman when she grows up...she was the first person to fall down the stairs to the basement...& she did it with such skill & grace! I can joke about it now...since she's not hurt & the palpitations in my heart have stopped!!!

I was sitting downstairs on the computer last night & she was outside with Daddy, Brandon & thing I knew I heard this noise...& I knew it was a child...coming down the steps...& NOT IN THE PROPER POSITION! All I thought was whoever it is is going to either split their skull on the bottom of the fire place or bash their brains against the pole at the bottom of the stairs!

Something came over Bran spidey senses were tingling...& my cat-like reflexes (ok...hippo-like reflexes) kicked in & I caught her as she bounced off the 3rd step from the bottom...she nailed every other step... all the way down...before Mommy rescued her! She was twisting & turning sideways...never in my life have I seen someone fall like that...I tell you...the kid is no joke!

She was so stunned when I finally had her that she couldn't even cry...she was shocked...her tiny little heart pounded for a good 15 minutes as she clung to me...she did finally cry when she tasted the blood on her tongue (she bit it)...but other than that...she wanted to calm ME down...I was hysterical!

That little lady is one tough cookie!!! Thank GOD she's ok! I'm thinking the Ladybug will be avoiding the basement steps for a while...I hope so anyway!

Happy Monday!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tom Hanks

he isn't...but, my little man got up his nerve & partially sang for the last act in his theatrical debut!!! I giggled to myself when Mrs. Nicely said," I saw three calicos!" Mostly because I could have said it...or Katelyn could have said it...or Aunt Kelly could have said it...or Pop Pop could have said it...we've all heard it so much!! But, my little Thompson all Barry!!! He walked into that room & started singing "It's Snowing Cats & Dogs"...& I watched it happen in slow motion from behind my video camera!!!

First was the instant blushing...that happens in little patches, first the cheeks...then the ears...then the beads of sweat form on his sweet little upper lip & I instantly want to run to him...I can be heard saying "UH OH!" from behind the camera! Then those big brown Hershey's kisses he has for eyes get even bigger...if you can imagine that!!! & they begin to dart around the room of about 50 parents & grandparents...he's looking frantically...from my view (zoomed in so his little heart can almost be seen beating out of his chest like Uncle Brian used to beat a drum...) I see him begin to evaporate into panic!!!

He sees Grandmom & Pop Pop...he's panicking...he makes eye contact with Dawn & Kevin...he's panicking...he finds Zach (who happens to be sitting right in front of me..but HE NEVER SAW ME UNTIL ALMOST THE END!)...he's panicking...I see him fixate on Aunt Red & Aunt Kelly...who are immediately to my right & it happens...the chest is heaving, the tears are flowing & he is sweating like Tony Soprano on a treadmill!

Mrs. Nicely motions to him that he can come sit with her & he runs to her...I kind of expected it...but he was just so excited & wanted me to be proud of him...of course, I AM...I know how he is (I was even shocked that he could walk into that room knowing how he feels about crowds)...he's not me & while I don't always understand it...I can feel his pain as if it were my those moments I can almost read his mind!

So, I watched this proud of them all...Ethan was amazing...Josh spoke so loudly & clear...Danielle was adorable & her Mommy felt so bad for Bran you could see it in her smile at him when she congratulated him on a job well done...(for those of you who don't know...Barry was in Beginners with Tracy...Danielle's I'm sure she's used to the shy Thompson routine...LOL! They grew up together!) AJ did well...Johnny (who held Brandon's hand so tightly when he finally did get back up there was remarkable!) They all ROCKED!!!

I sat there...recording them heart breaking for his fear...watching Mrs. Nicely on occasion bend over & ask him if he'd like to go back up & join his friends...& then...the tears started all over again in the middle of the show...& this time his entire little body is shaking (when I asked him about it while we watched the video from the safety of our living room...he told me he wanted to go back up THEN, because it was his favorite song...but he didn't want to interrupt! Which he wouldn't have...Mrs. Nicely just wants these kids to be happy...& doesn't care what it takes!)

& then...right before it's over...on the very last song...I'm zoomed in on Ethan & these little white paper cat ears pop onto my screen...& there HE is...singing & scanning the crowd all over again...then...he sees someone he thinks he recognizes (maybe if my video camera wasn't from 1999, it would be smaller & I wouldn't be completely unrecognizable behind it!) I lower the camera just a tiny bit...& THERE IT IS...THE MONEY SHOT...he actually smiles at's on camera & it is SO worth it...for a few seconds we hold a silent stare & we're sharing this moment of what I know is a GREAT accomplishment for my man just among ourselves...the room might as well have been empty!

I know the fear he's breathing in...his anxiety is the same adrenaline rush I get from being in the spotlight...for every ounce of fright...I have the opposite feeling...his pain is my absolute glory! But...he's doing it...he's taking one more moment closer to being Brandon Alexander Thompson...& not my baby anymore!

I swear to you I'm sitting here telling you this..(& yes, I'm crying...) I can't possibly say it one more time this year...but I'm positive I will...I was so proud of blessed to have been there to see him take one baby step out of that shell of fear he's got around him...this little man was put on this Earth for so many amazing things, things I'm sure I can't imagine just yet...but most importantly; (right now anyway) to let me see that while I'm a girl who can thrive in any's those sweet souls who need a more gentle hand to hold...or a soft smile to welcome them... into what I know is a wonderful world of adventure!

I am so looking forward to showing this amazing man I've raised (20 years from now)...that moment...that adorable little play...& those 8 seconds of video when the world was only about me & Brandon again...(I used to tell Barry when I was pregnant that no matter what happened in the future...I was always going to know Brandon longer...that he was JUST MINE for 9 months...& for those 8 seconds that he looked at me & smiled...he was just mine again!!)

Friday night, Dawn invited us to watch Josh play in his all-star baseball our great surprise & pleasure...Ethan was also, me, Brandon & Katie got to hang with the Gills & Crowdings again...twice in 1 day...we are so lucky! I absolutely love the Gills...(although Zach didn't invite me to Club Rathof until after midnight lastnight...old folks my age are already in bed by then!) And, I was right about the Crowdings...we're becoming friends fast...we just fit together! Josh, Ethan & Johnny are some serious baseball players...they need to start practicing with Brandon now...we'll all have a great time watching them play high school baseball together! The night ended pretty quickly after the baseball was 8:40 ish & Kate decided she wanted Dippy' you know...her bedtime is between 7:30 & she had a complete meltdown...we did get to rush her to the car before anyone but Zach saw her lose her cool...but he's a regular over here at Club Thompson...he's seen that happen quite a few times...LOL! Brandon was bummed at her & said we should have left her home alone...he wanted to play baseball on the field with his buddies...I think we might be able to get him to play next year! :)

I'll write more about our weekend tomorrow...but, Friday was close to perfection...I am so deeply touched by this little man..he's just phenomenal!!!

much love...a

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Soupy Island...& the GYNO (should be a band LOL)

well, he had an amazing time...the weather stayed beautiful & today is going to be even better! Bran & Josh loved Soupy Island!! :) You should all go at least once...I love it there!

Barry's waiting to find out when the pool table will get put together...I'll keep you posted!

Kate's been her precocious self...I just love that little lady to pieces!

For those of you I've been complaining to about my unbearable girl issues...I just got off of the phone w/ the gyno...6/22 at 9:15 a.m. I'm going!!

I haven't been to see them since my checkup after having we'll see what they say! Me getting my yucky visitor again last nite was the final straw...I thought Barry was going to beat me! :) He came to bed to find me snuggling my heating pad (which I brought to work today...LOL) & asked me what I was doing...when I told him it was back...after just visiting 11 days ago (I guess he's keeping track for me too now...can you even imagine!!!)...he INSISTED I call the doctor today! I think it's hysterical to see a man who can't even stand the sight of a box of tampons say...CALL THE DOCTOR TOMORROW OR YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE, MISSY!

I're all thinking I'm a lunatic...I should have done this months ago...or at least taken up stock in Playtex since I've been getting it about every 2 weeks & it's always miserable & painful...but I'm a girl who hates a doctor! Hence the miserable pics of me at Kate's first birthday party...where I had a 104 degree fever & ended up in the hospital for 9 days after...LOL!

Life's just too busy to take time for babies are what really that Barry replied...if you drop dead, they won't know they matter...WAY TO LOW BALL A GIRL INTO A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT! :) But, I'm going...let's just hope they're going to say I'm beat & this is my new cycle! HA HA can hope...nothing's wrong, I'm sure...that's what I'm going to be telling myself anyway!

On a more pleasant note...the countdown is on for Brandon's theatrical debut...hoping he remains calm...he's amazed me so far this year...looking forward to adding one more item to the list of incredible things he's accomplished with the help of Mrs. Nicely!! I'm sad Kate won't have the opportunity to learn from her...but since she taught Uncle Brucie...who I'm pretty sure will be turning 36 (?) this year...she deserves a break! :)

Happy Wednesday, loves...if you need to call a doctor because something has been going on & you're I always me a favor & call for an appointment...BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY & want to grow old with you!!!

sending kisses... a

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

hope you're getting thirsty...

Barry finished the floor in the bar last nite...calling the guys to get the pool table put together today!! Things are looking good in the BAR!!! :)

Brandon is on his way to Soupy Island in a little bit...I'll write more tonite...after I find out what an incredible time they had!

Happy Tuesday my loves!! xoxo

Monday, June 4, 2007

our weekend...

Well, our introductory BBQ at Brandon's little buddy Josh's house was a total blast!!! The kids had so much fun!! Brandon actually went swimming in the "big kid" pool & is looking forward to doing it again really soon!! Barry & I had a great time was nice meeting Dawn & Kevin (Josh's Mommy & Daddy) and some of their friends...and making new friends! Katie loved Savanna...Josh's little it looks like we've got even more amazing neighbors over at Club Thompson!! We're just so lucky!! They're so much like all of our friends we've known forever that it was great!

You know how shy Barry usually he can sit there & just be quiet & take in his surroundings...& I can always sense how it makes him uncomfortable (it must be from raising Brandon who is just like his Daddy...) there really wasn't one instant of that on Saturday! I knew that he would be comfortable with the Crowdings...I could just tell by how warm & real Dawn was with me...& how cute she is when she talks about reminds me of listening to Red talk about him! She just talks about him like he's the sweetest little man...& like he's already part of their family...the way you always want people to feel about your they're as precious as their own!

So, my new friend is going to be a fast friend...who knew that at almost 33 you could make a new friend & know that they're going to fit in with the rest of your life-long friends perfectly! My girls are just going to love Dawn...& the rest of the Crowdings...& let me say...her girls...just as sweet as my's like they're the "Others" version of welcoming & made me feel like I'd been around forever as kicked ass!!

Then...Sunday was here..the kids slept in...until after 9!!! You're reading that correctly...the partying over at Chez Crowding had them all worn out!! We painted some more of the bar & Barry & Brian got the basement bathroom almost entirely put back together! It was a great Sunday morning treat to have Uncle Brian stop by...we're hoping next time he comes over he brings Aunt Barbie & Darius with him...we just love them to pieces!!! Brandon just thinks Darius is the coolest kid around...& I happen to agree with him! So sweet & handsome...his parents have everything in the universe to be proud of...he's just an outstanding example of a gentleman...the kind of kid I'm hoping Brandon turns out to be!

Trevor's first birthday party was a hit! I'm stunned by the fact that the baby in my group of friends in 1 already! Where did that year go?? & how on Earth am I so lucky to have these people in my life??

Andrea's the few hours that she was with my son yesterday moved me to tears...he didn't stop talking about Aunt Jody & how "smart" she made him feel. His exact quote was...,"She never told me HA HA when I couldn't make it go like Mom Mom does!" That made me very sad for him...that he feels teased by my mom & her reverse psychology...something my sisters & I have grown to realize is just her way! He wants to go play with Aunt Jody again SOON...& I'm remembering (in his amazement with her) why I have always loved her as deeply as I do! She was ALWAYS the mother I turned to with any problem...with any bit of good news...with any ANYTHING that I knew as a mother; SHE would have the perfect reaction to! She has NEVER let me down...even in moments when I was afraid of the reaction I'd get...I could always trust that it would be an honest & supportive reaction no matter what. She has always believed in me...even when I didn't! She has always trusted that I would make the right decision & has held my hand & hugged me in the moments I needed it most! The pictures I have of her holding my son on the day he was born, of me getting ready at her house on my wedding day...of her making the perfect birthday dinner...they are priceless...they are Jody Carr and they are OUTSTANDING!!! She raised the most phenomenal woman...who in return is kind and loving & supportive of everything I have ever done...Jody...I thank you for my sweet Red...& for making her the perfect miniature version of you...SUPER MOM!!! I am blessed by you both more than either of you will ever know...& I am more grateful for you than words will EVER be able to express!!

Bran is home sick today with Daddy & Kate...hoping he feels better for Soupy Island tomorrow & that the rain they can actually go!!

Thank you my friends...New & Old (not in in...I've loved you forever) for a perfect weekend...looking forward to MILLIONS more with all of you! Hugs & Kisses...happy first full week of JUNE!!!!!
