Thursday, February 28, 2008

kiss your babies...

tell them you love them more than all of the M&M's in the world!!!

I hope to see you all at the beef & beer this Saturday...think I'm taking off tomorrow, not feeling very well. Hoping Pop has some antibiotics at their house...otherwise, I'm gonna have to go to the doctor tomorrow! M & I have hair appointments Saturday, nails Friday, T is getting hers done tonite...we're gonna be gorge!!! I just hope I feel better...I'm going no matter what...I'd just like to feel great & have a perfect time! I have this sinusy thing...I'm thinking it's an infection...ear ache, headache...a few antibiotics & I'll be all set!

Please say a prayer for the Tennesson family...hoping you feel the love & best wishes we're sending...Braeden will be just fine!

Happy Thursday!

(let me just say...THANK YOU Moosh...for the perfect pic of me & Brandon...i love seeing those moments you think are just between the 2 of you & being able to share's so sweet when it's caught on film...i love that neither of us knew this was being taken...just us loving each other!)

Friday, February 22, 2008

eclipse, snow, snow day...

This is what we've been up to...looking forward to the weekend!!! #9's for Mommy & some fun with our faves!!!

Come to the Beef & Beer on 3/'s so important!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



I might just become a Nittany Lions fan for a while!!! At least 4 years...!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


In the words of Al Leytham…Happy VD!

I’m looking forward to my dinner date tonite with Mooshie, Mommy, Meggie & my babies! It’s Barry’s late nite so he wanted us to do something fun…& we can’t wait!

The kids loved their Valentine’s Day gifts & were all chatty this morning about how many valentines (or balentimes) they were going to get, what fun treats Mom Mom was going to have for them & how much fun their parties at school were going to be…I remember the anticipation of a great party at school in the afternoon…remembering my youth never gets old!!!

Miss Kate has been such a big girl on the potty, we’re just so proud of her! So, the Disney World vacation planning has begun! Brandon might just burst out of his skin in anticipation of this trip! All Kate wants to talk about are the Princesses she’s going to see…& how tall she thinks Mickey Mouse is going to be…I am too excited for words at the thought of their reactions to WDW! I was 18 the first time I went & it was still this incredible, magical place to me…I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like to see it all with my children…& my adorable hubby!

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all…I love you!!!!!!!!!!

& MOST IMPORTANTLY...Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother-in-law, Carol Thompson! You are incredible & we love you so much more than you can imagine...thank you for being a phenomenal mom & grandmom! You raised a remarkable man, that I am blessed daily to love & he is; in return...the world's greatest Daddy!!! Thank you for making my life perfect, I'd be lost without you & all you've done!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

i may have lost the battle...


Ok, so Barry didn't vote yesterday...which breaks my heart! I did beg & lecture & I forced him to sit with me to watch the election coverage all night (after we watched American Idol like any other red blooded American family...LOL!) But he didn't vote...why you're wondering...wouldn't it be easier to SHUT me the hell up & just go pick someone???

He has this theory that he doesn't know enough about politics to choose someone...even though I'm a huge fan of a debate & he's seen them with me. He thinks, "One vote doesn't count!" He tried..."I'm tired after work"...I think it's all BULLSHIT!!! It's your job as a tax payer, as a person who enjoys these freedoms thousands are dying for & as a PARENT; if nothing vote. To choose who will be in charge of the country we're blessed to live in. To decide who will be forming the world we're giving our children!!!!

So...I let him off this hook for the primary...I did however tell him he WILL vote for our next President!!! Or he will be very sorry!

I have to say...this was the first election in a long time...probably since the very first time I voted at 18...that I SERIOUSLY felt excitement! I was excited to watch the #'s coming in last nite...I know it's just the primary...but knowing that something ENORMOUS is happening & I'm part of it is electrifying! I challenge you all to find your candidate & support them, RESEARCH your part to be an educated voter! You don't have to support Hillary Clinton just because I do...I enjoy discussing politics (not like my mother does) with people who take it as seriously as I do. This is a BIG DEAL...this decision is life changing- you should feel blessed to be able to make it FREELY!!!

So...I lost Barry for the primary...I voted with butterflies in my tummy & practically skipped out of my new polling place!!! But, I got home, told Brandon I had just voted & he gave me SERIOUS STINK FACE...I asked him why, told him how important it is to me that I vote...& he replied...

MOM, I WANTED TO GO VOTE WITH YOU, WE ALWAYS GO TOGETHER...I LIKE TO VOTE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My work here...with these children...shows itself to me daily...I'm doing a pretty damn good job if I do say so myself...I have a 7 year old who was COMPLETELY bummed that he didn't get to vote!!!!!!!!!! BRANDON ROCKS...& I think his mom might just be pretty stinking cool too...he was later telling Kate how "we're the luckiest country in the world because it's our freedom that lets us pick whatever we want to eat for dinner or to have for President!" He's funny...but he's been paying attention!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

by the way...

GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


was yesterday...a PERFECT report card from my sweet boy!!!! I'll be scanning it in to show all of you...all VG's & G's again...this kid is THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008


I can't even believe it...I'm still pinching myself! It was a moment I'll never forget...I know some of you are thinking it's just a game...& I know it is...but, football is one of my greatest passions & last nite, I totally won! I will admit...there have been games in the past that I've shouted at the tv & bitched in my blog that we had the wrong Manning...I can't apologize enough for thinking that...Eli has been playing incredibly well. He believes in could see it. Eli wanted this way more than Tom Brady...who came in there just knowing they had no competition from my New York Giants. We showed them...I am so have NO IDEA!

I am so proud of how well my Giants played...they were beautiful! I loved the dancing lizards know I'd have had Thriller in it! It was an incredible weekend...

Saw my girl Laura Cheadle on Friday nite with Moosh, Dawn, Kev, Katie, Zach & Dezi...Saturday morning breakfast was perfect, the Thompson fam took a great nap on Saturday afternoon, I cooked my tail off for our Super Bowl party the rest of the day & on Sunday, my favorite team in the world became the World Champions & ruined Tom Brady's perfect season...what's better than that??????????????

Oh...I've got about 50 home made meatballs leftover...if you're hungry...STOP BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry that yesterday was the last party of the Football Season at Club Thompson...we missed Zach, Dezi & Brent...but I'm glad Stevie stopped by...Moosh had to be there, it wouldn't be football without her...Mommy, Meg & Shel...loved you girls being there & of course...the Choyce sweet it is to be loved by you...all of you...THANK YOU FOR A PERFECT ENDING TO THE PERFECT FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!

& a special THANK YOU to all of you who texted me all nite...THANKS for cheering on my boys & supporting them with me...& for letting me know how happy you were for means the world to know that while we're not physically together...we were watching that moment of greatness together...& that you LOVED IT just as much as I did! & I hope the Magic had you remembering...perfection!!!!

WAY TO GO GIANTS...I'm lucky to love you boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as a brilliant & beautiful boy once told me...there's only 1 game needed in football to determine the winner, because it's a real man's sport...& anyone can win that one game...ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY! ~sjm

Friday, February 1, 2008

Thursday nite & my MAN!!!

Our new Thursday nite date is with the Crowding family...the kids get to play & the Mommies get to relax & catch up on our week! Last nite Katie & Savanna played dress up & were "sister princesses" according to Katie! It was so cute...then the girls put on a show for me & was so funny! Savanna is a dancing machine, just like her mommy!

Brandon & Josh had the ultimate Wii competition...they're so funny! The kids get along so makes my heart happy to see that they have these 2 little sweet friends that they just love as much as I love them!

So...thanks to my sweet boy...we all get new friends! What's better than that??

Also yesterday, I got a note home that my MAN is Student of the Month!! FOR MATH!!!!!! Go figure...I'm the proudest Mommy in the Universe of this little guy! I tell him all the time that I am so blessed to be his's completely the truth!! Thank you, Brandon...for being an incredible human being...I must be doing something right!

Looking forward to date nite tonight...can't wait to see you all!!! Hope you feel better real soon, Tia...we'll miss you!!!

Lots of love...ALWAYS!!!

GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!